Waoh is an all-in-one platform that seeks to centralize all actors in the humanitarian sector.

As a user:

You can discover and interact with associations from around the world.

You also have the option to support them by making a one-time donation or subscribing to their page. This latter option gives you access to exclusive content, allowing you to see the impact of your donations.

As an association:

You can reach a larger audience beyond your borders and collect funds in the form of donations or subscriptions.

You can share (public) content to inform and sensitize the Waoh community about your project and also create a more intimate connection with your donors by sharing exclusive (private) content with them, allowing them to see the impact of their donations on the project's progress

Our main goal is to increase your visibility, help you sustain your actions, and maintain a trusted relationship with your donors.

As a user:

Go to https://waoh.com/register to register and create your profile

Select "Users" and complete the registration form with your personal information.

Welcome to Waoh

As an association:

1. Register and create your profile: Go to https://waoh.com/register and select the "Association" account. Fill in your personal information and your page information (URL, Name, Category, etc.).

2. Personalize your page: Create an attractive page by adding a profile picture, a banner and complete the "About" section. You can also add a video presentation. All these modifications are accessible directly via My Page located on the top right menu (profile picture).

3. Set up the payment information: Before creating a subscription plan, we advise you to set up your payment information. To access it, go to the menu by clicking on your profile picture (top right), select Settings, then Payment Info and follow the instructions of our partner Stripe. You will not be able to receive payments without a Stripe account.

4. Create a subscription plan: Click on the menu at the top right of the application (profile picture), select Subscription Plan to set up your 3 subscription plans (Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly).

You can search for an association via the search bar or the "Browse" tab of the application. Do a keyword search or use the available filters to find projects that look like you.

Waoh allows associations to share public and private content.

When you follow an association, its public content is displayed on your Dashboard.

Private content is reserved for subscribers, allowing them to follow the evolution of projects and the impact of their donations in a more intimate way.

Our platform is accessible for 18 years old and above.

No, private content is only accessible to subscribers.

The platform can be used worldwide. The only requirement is to have an Internet connection.

Yes, you can discover our blog here: https://blog.waoh.com.

Go to the menu by clicking on your profile picture (top right) and select Subscription plan. You can change the price by clicking on the subscription plan of your choice (monthly, quarterly, or yearly).

As an association, you commit to respecting our charter which you can find here :

Go to a user's profile, click the button with three dots to report them. Select the reason for the report and give us details about the problem.

Go to a user's profile and click on the button with three dots to report him. Please select the reason for the report and tell us about the problem.

Your subscriptions are automatically renewed. You can find them under the "My subscriptions" tab.

To cancel a subscription, go to the profile of the association in question and then click on "unsubscribe". A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action. Once cancelled, you will still have access to exclusive content until the renewal date originally scheduled.

To modify a subscription, go to the profile of the association and select the new plan of your choice. A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action.

To make a donation to an association, go to their profile and click on the "$" icon to make the donation of your choice.

Click on the menu in the top right corner (profile picture) and then on Settings. You can change your bank information under Tab 3 Payment Info. Follow the instructions from our partner Stripe.

To permanently delete your account, please send us an email at user@waoh.com.

Only credit card payments are currently accepted on our platform.

For the proper functioning of the Waoh platform, a commission of 9% is charged on the price of subscriptions (excluding taxes). Donations, on the other hand, are fully transferred to the associations, and no commission will be deducted from them.

Transaction fees may be charged by our partner, Stripe. These may vary depending on your country of residence or the currency used for payment. Feel free to check their terms and conditions via the following link: https://stripe.com/fr-gb/legal/ssa.

For any questions or requests, you can contact us by email at contact@waoh.com If you encounter a malfunction, our technical team is available at the following address: support@waoh.com.

To recover your password, click on this link https://waoh.com/forgot-password and enter your email address in the reserved field. You will receive a unique verification code by email, which you must enter in the "Verification Code" field. Then, choose your new password in the "New Password" field.

If your account has been suspended, an email explaining the reason should have been sent to you. For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us by email at contact@waoh.com indicating "Suspended Account" as the subject.

You can contact us via the form on our website: https://waoh-live.efito.xyz/home/contactUs.html or by email at contact@waoh.com For technical/support questions, you can send an email to support@waoh.com.

6. Account & Billing

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Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem.
